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If you're still under 40, you may not have really noticed the many dramatic differences between life in America and the rest of the world during the last half of the 20th century and what life is like today. If you are aware of it, then here is my take on it, from a spiritual and intuitional viewpoint. It's only my view. I'm not a psychic or an astrologer, but some of this information may be helpful for your peace of mind.


© James K Anderson  
The main difference in the world today, just from simple observation, is the anger that is being expressed by so many people in so many ways. Of course, we have always been angry. The difference is the degree. Some anger is only expressed verbally, but some is acted out. The internet has played a role in making it easier to express, of course, and many people believe it is a cause of the anger, but that's just not true. The internet is a neutral device that represents communication. The timing of its creation coincides exactly with what humanity is going through at this moment in time.


Those who are acting out their anger are reacting to their growing feelings of powerlessness and frustration. But what's causing that? What's happening now on earth has long been predicted by prophets and seers. We just didn't know exactly how it would manifest. Well, that time is now, and it's not over yet, by a long shot. I have always thought the changes predicted with these times, called the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, would pan out. I expected it. But because I only knew the world as it was, I couldn't see how any of these changes would come about, based on the context of the relatively calm world I grew up in, or how dramatically the world could possibly change. I couldn't wrap my head around what was about to happen. I expect none of us could.


So, let me tell you what I think is happening now, why I believe this, and where we're going from here. Because I'm not the keeper of any secret information, I refer to a few different sources, and perhaps this big-picture look at these times will help some people understand it and accept it just a little better.


We are now leaving the Age of Pisces and if you go forward through the monthly zodiac or backwards through the precession of the equinoxes, no matter which way you go, Pisces is the final sign. The entire journey through all of the ages takes about 26,000 years. The teacher who ushered in the Age of Pisces was Jesus. Pisces is a water sign represented by fish ("Let me make you fishers of men," baptism with water, etc.). Because, 2,000 years ago, Jesus represented the energy that was the exit of the Age of Aries and the beginning of the Age of Pisces, he is said by Edgar Cayce, arguably the most important psychic of the 20th century, to have been born around the first day of spring, exactly between those two signs. The transition between each 2,000-year age to the next takes many years, perhaps 200 or more, and we are currently in that window as the age of Pisces leaves and the age of Aquarius begins.


© James K Anderson  
A couple of major differences between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius can help to explain some of the changes that are happening. The first is that the Age of Pisces is patriarchal, and the Age of Aquarius is matriarchal. This means that there is a major shift taking place from men running the show to women running the show. Women are slowly but surely gaining power in this world, and even though it may be going more slowly than many would like, be patient. Eventually, women will be in dominant positions in most areas of life.


Another major difference between the two ages is that the Age of Pisces is hierarchical, and the Age of Aquarius is more egalitarian or flat. What this means is that most organizations, corporations, churches, and government, that are now mostly structured according to a strict (Pisces) hierarchy of power and duties, dominated by men, will flatten dramatically (Aquarius) . So-called "lower in rank" employees or members will have or want more and more power, while those who used to have all the power will have to start sharing it. You can see this more and more in certain companies as they flatten out and make attempts at power-sharing, but that's less important than understanding the effect this change is having on the current times.


The real changes we are now facing are huge and dramatic, but the most important thing to notice is that the current power structure absolutely does not want these changes to take place. What man, who has been in charge forever, and who believes that women are less important than men, wants to give his power, not only to women, but to other people of lesser rank? This isn't just a threat to a job or position; it's a threat to everything he believes about himself. Most everyone who is in power right now will not give it up willingly or easily, and they will go kicking and screaming into this new age. And many people on both sides will suffer or die before power can change hands. These changes are inevitable, so those who want to hang on for dear life are seeing the cliff they are clinging to erode as their fingers slip. And so their grip must be firmer, their desperation more fierce. There are so many people who do not want to see changes. It was good enough for my father and his father, so it must be good enough for me. I'm sorry to say that the universe doesn't agree.


Another concept to notice about this new age, is that the Age of Aquarius is an air sign and all about waves. Just look at any representation of Aquarius. She is holding a jug with waves coming out of it. These waves are not water, because it's an air sign.


© James K Anderson  
The beginning of the influences of the Age of Aquarius began at the beginning of the 20th century, over 100 years ago. Radio was invented about 10 years before that, and women got the vote a few years later. Since then, humankind has learned to use and understand X-rays, microwaves, light waves, and sound waves, and detected all kinds of other waves zipping around out there. This is the age of the waves in the air, and this age is represented by advances made in understanding the waves and other things in the air, and using them for countless different purposes. This is also a time shortly after what Edgar Cayce called a 40-year testing period. From 1958-1998, the people on the planet had 40 years to decide what they believed about themselves and their fellow man. Just after the testing period started, the 1960s hit us in the face, and Bob Dylan sang " The Times They Are A-Changin'." A testing period is a window of time that apparently occurs periodically, before each important moment in history. I believe that we are now seeing the results of that period, and even though the period may be over, there is still time to change your mind. There is only one choice to make about yourself during this time; are you a Son of God or a Daughter of Man? This is the slightly sexist description of either choosing God or the ego. Love or fear. Of course, it has nothing to do with gender. It is merely a choice the soul makes on a deeply personal level about where it stands and what it believes. Have I learned as much as I need to know to participate in a greater event, or am I still mired in the ego? That grander event, the important time in history, is what Jesus and Cayce and many other sources have termed the "thousand years of peace."


The thousand years of peace is described in the Bible as a time when Satan is locked away. This is not literal. Cayce said that this metaphorically means that those who have chosen the ego over God would simply not incarnate on the earth for this coming thousand years. It will be a time of peace, where most of the people will be loving and kind, and the earth will get a chance to cleanse itself of a few hundred years of toxic build-up and exploitation. There will be a enormous surge in love and art and working together and encouragement and personal growth, and a surge of people who will find God more easily with the mutual support of all of mankind. These people will still certainly have their egos, but they will understand more about what they are here to do. Those who have chosen in favor of the ego will simply not come to earth. They will be in other places where they can learn other lessons and grow in other ways. The earth will belong to God for a while.


But the real question to ask is What is the real source of the turmoil we are all facing right now? Astrologically speaking, or spiritually speaking, or however you want to look at it, for us right now, this is a time when the subconscious mind is being raised to conscious awareness. Think about what this means. This is an incredible and dramatic personal challenge. We are in firm and angry denial of what we hold in our subconscious minds, of that person we are hiding deep inside, and we will do anything we can to keep all of that crap we hold suppressed and hidden. We do not acknowledge that we could ever really hold the beliefs we hold. But now, there is an awful lot of negativity and judgment that we have chosen to remain hidden that is boiling to the surface of our awareness. It requires our reaction to it. We see it in front of us, and we believe it's happening to us, rather than acknowledging that we are creating it. Look around you at the anger that is being expressed all around the globe. If you do not choose to accept responsibility for you own anger, it seems that there is only one thing to do about it, and that it to express it openly to others; to lash back and attack.


All of that subconscious anger is being expressed in all of the ways we see in front of us; men desperate to hold on to their power, politicians who divide and stall and fight for power and money and the old thought system rather than to make their countries better places, people in menial jobs, people with little money, people who see their government as oppressive, kids who still haven't found themselves, powerful people who feel threatened by the coming changes, people in dysfunctional relationships or families, those who have been suppressed for any of a million different reasons want to make themselves heard. Even those who think they are on the side of God judge the ones who clearly aren't.


© James K Anderson  
It's all about those who feel that they are being wronged by the external world, lashing out futilely against something that isn't there, not realizing yet that there are beautiful, loving answers out there, waiting to be discovered.


But there is another group, and that is the people who understand that they are here for only one reason; to forgive what they see, and what "happens" to them, because it's all coming from inside each of us. This is your personal dream. No one is causing it. It's not really there, and the only way to really get that it to keep forgiving it until you wake up from it.


If you believe that you will be raised to another level of consciousness along with all of mankind, rest assured it will not happen without your desire to learn what you need to learn. It will not just "happen." We are all here to let go of this earth and the illusion we have made here. Making that happen is a personal choice; not the result of cosmic waves of energy, or aliens, or living in isolation. That doesn't mean there aren't any strange and wonderful energies hitting us now. It just means that you can only tap into their power in a positive way if you understand what you're here to do.


In preparation for the thousand years of peace, sometime in the next 100 years or so, the world population will probably dramatically decrease, probably due to war(s) or a cataclysmic natural event or series of events. This is all OK. It's all necessary for our development and growth. This is not about punishment or anger; it's about choices. There is only one thing to always remember; you can always choose love, no matter what you see or hear. Always choose love for those who seem to be the hardest to love, because they are all you.


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