Part 1 - I was originally going to use this content as the introduction for my book but I realized that it really didn't have much to do with the book. It's more of a rant on the complacency and lackluster belief systems most of us have and the fact that this world is so absolutley screwed up but no one seems to notice, and if they do, they certainly don't know what to do about it.
Part 2 - This is a continuation of Part 1 just to keep the videos shorter and easier to watch. I tend to go on.
These videos - Talk 01 through Talk 08 pretty much follow in order. I would start with this one, however, and go where the spirit leads you after that. The elephant in the room is the most difficult and controversial subject in all of spiritual teachings. It requires a major shift in your idea of what this life is.
I'm really trying to help you see that this world isn't what most of you have always believed. If there's anything I repeat, it's this idea, hopefuylly from a few different angles.
As I said, this is an important idea to keep drilling down on.
The Course explains life to a remarkably complete degree. That includes the solution(s) to our predicament. This is the Course's take on that.
The most important feature of the mutli-layered solution to the "problem" of life.
Here's a summary of what I've discussed so far. But wait! There's more!
Letting go is more important than most people realize. Being in control of your life is the ego's main goal, and it is the opposite of what God wants for you.
As I said, this world is not what we think it is. At all. There is something else going on here but you will never become aware of it unless you understand how life really works.